Student Design Challenge Application
Students Are the Driving Force in Industry Innovations
In its 21st year, the FPA Student Flexible Packaging Design Challenge has become a prestigious competition within the flexible packaging industry and honors flexible packaging solutions developed by students. Flexible packaging is used to package a wide variety of items. From retail food to medical and pharmaceutical products, the packaging possibilities are endless. The only limit is imagination!
The competition is open to students currently enrolled in an FPA academic member institution, and studying package engineering, chemical engineering, printing, packaging design, food science or a related discipline, the FPA Student Flexible Packaging Design Challenge. Students may enter independently or as a team. Students may also work under the guidance of their professors/schools and with FPA members as mentors.
The Challenge for students is to develop a flexible package solution that addresses a packaging issue, such as consumer convenience or the protection of food. The package should advance the use of flexible packaging; make an improvement over an existing flexible package; convert a non-flexible package into a flexible package; or package a product that is not currently available in flexible packaging.
The student, or team of students, who develops the first-place winning entry will receive $1,000 and the second place winning entry will receive $500. New to last year's competition, there is now an additional honorary award category for “Best Video.” The video is incredibly important in defending your concept and should be used to further explain the written defense and “sell” the concept to both the judges and potential consumers. It should also include why your concept is better than the current packaging, the sustainability benefits, and the feasibility of production.
Students are asked to submit a concept outline which will be evaluated and when approved, students may begin development of the package prototype/bench sample. The deadline to submit a concept outline is March 7, 2025. Students will be notified of the advancement status of their concept outline by March 20, 2025. The submission deadline for the flexible packaging prototype/bench sample and video proposal is April 25, 2025.
The winners will be announced on May 9, 2025.